Now whether you choose to track your body weight, your waist circumference or your body fat percentage - that is up to you. What is important is that you start keeping track of something. Tracking your progress is a simple exercise that reminds you of your goals and in the process creates a mechanism whereby you will make future positive choices throughout the day. Will all your future choices be the "right" ones (e.g. eating more fruits and vegetables or exercising)? Perhaps not at first, but over time, as you begin to replace poor eating habits with good ones, they will be.

Losing weight is a never-ending battle for some people, but if you really think about it, it’s a pretty simple process. The key is to eat foods that make you feel full instead of eating foods that make you feel hungry an hour or two later – pretty easy huh. Here are some simple tips to help you eat smarter.

Eat foods that make you feel full
Eat fiber rich foods
Avoid sugary snacks and high carbohydrate foods!

I make it sound simple, but of course it’s not that easy in reality. We’re all tempted by snacks filled with sugar and carbohydrates everyday at work and at home. That being said, it is possible to slowly start changing your eating habits so that you start working healthy foods into your diet little by little.
How Sugar-Filled Foods and High-Carb Foods are Related
It’s important to understand how sugar-filled treats – such as soda, cake, candy, and other vending machine “delights” – are all related to foods such as white bread, regular pastas, and rice. When we eat these sugar-filled, high-carb foods, our bodies turn it into sugar (glucose) which is then stored as the dreaded fat that we all work so hard to avoid.
Curb Your Appetite and Avoid Sugar and Carbs at the Same Time
It’s possible to make yourself feel more “full” at mealtime by introducing more protein into your diet with a steady diet of lean meats, such as chicken and fish, along with an occasional steak or two. Also important is to eat plenty of fiber-rich vegetables and whole wheat breads, pastas, and rice. Protein, fiber, and fat are digested slowly by your body and thus your body feels more full. Eating carbs, even if it’s a large quantity, makes you hungry within a couple of hours, whereas high-protein foods will leave you full and satisfied until your next meal.


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